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The Sacred Wheel w/ Tamal

Structure & Dynamic of Life

  • Starts Jul 6
  • 144 US dollars
  • Location 1

Available spots

Service Description

As a baby gestates in the womb and a butterfly in her chrysalis, so also our true self requires sacred containment to develop successfully. The occurrence of our highest potential depends upon our being situated in the adequate cosmic crucible. All ancestral wisdom traditions begin from a Big Story of inclusive meaning - to give an existential context for the individual to orient within and thus have the opportunity to evolve herself as a unique creative response to Life - and expansion of it. Inside of a coherent Cosmovision, the human psyche will blossom as naturally as a fetus in the womb. Our "Golden Self" (or the highest version of ourselves in this life) will surely occur if we only have the adequate Space to do so. In this 3-part series we will explore the universal structure and dynamic of Life that is foundational to many sacred ancestral cultures, here referred to as the Sacred Wheel. We will move piece by piece through the anatomy of metaphysical reality - the invisible true shape and movement of Life - to crystalize a coherent map of being within which we can freely move and grow, in alignment with the divine principles of Life. Referencing various wisdom traditions and ancient stories, we will work to pattern our microcosmic self to the macrocosmic Whole and thus move into an all harmonic existence qualified by profound peace and creative potential. Aho!

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